A Desert Called Peace by Tom Kratman

Five centuries after settlement, Terra Nova, Earth's sole interstellar colony, has ended up remarkably like 21st century Earth - socially, culturally and politically.  When Salafi madmen bent on a new jihad kill Patrick Hennessey's wife and children in a cowardly attack, they create an enemy that will show even less mercy than they do. 

A retired military officer from a wealthy family background, Hennessy raises a mercenary army from the decrepit remains of a military in a failing state and wages a personal crusade on terrorists, their allies and supporters, wherever they are and whoever they might be.  They rapidly prove themselves to be more ruthless (using torture, assassination and intimidation) and more effective than any other country, despite their limited resources and relatively small numbers.

A Desert Called Peace, like many of Kratman's stories, is primarily a dystopian novel based on current events.  Closely paralleling the historical aftermath of the World Trade Center attacks, Kratman explores the nature of war and terrorism as well as recent events and provides, through Hennessy's actions a guide to how he thinks the war on terror ought to have been fought, and where those efforts have come up short in the real world.

The book, the first in a growing series, can be found here for free.  If you enjoy it, please support the author and buy the rest - Carnifex, The Lotus Eaters, and The Amazon Legion.

Goblins by Tarol Hunt

Goblins: Life Through Their Eyes is a webcomic written and illustrated by Tarol Hunt.  In a role reversal of the typical fantasy adventure RPG, the story follows the adventures of a band of goblins as they fight off evil adventurers.

The main plot centers on five members of a goblin tribe who decide to stop being sterotypical cannon fodder for adventurers and become Player Characters, able to gain levels, feats and abilities.  The characters don't have very long to get used to their new-found abilities as heroes until being thrust in over their heads, locked onto a course of action they can't possibly handle.

There are also a few side plots which follow the adventures of other characters and their adventures.  Amongst these are the exploits of the goblin hero Tempt's Fate - Tarol's unique way of fundraising.  Tempt's Fate's.success and very survival on his occasional adventures is dependent on how much money is donated.

Fairly gory on occasion and quite funny, it features incredible and in-depth world-building (including quite a few whole-cloth, background creatures with detailed biologies) and characterization, particularly of the villains.

Please check it out here.  If you become a fan, consider donating or buying some Goblins merchandise.

Schlock at Baen Books

The first for print editions of Schlock Mercenary by Howard Tayler, the famed and long running web comic, is now available in electronic format at Baen Books.

If you're a fan of the comic, please support Howard's work and buy some copies here.

The Wiz Biz by Rick Cook

The Wiz Biz Series is written by Rick Cook and follows the adventures of master hacker and programmer Walter "Wiz" Zumwalt.  Wiz is unknowingly brought to a different world by a powerful member of the White League, in order to help combat the evil of the Dark League.  But, with the wizard who cast the spell dead, nobody can figure out what the computer nerd is good for - until Wiz discovers that spells in this new world, function a lot like computer programs on Earth.

The Wiz Biz Series is currently composed of five novels - Wizard's Bane, Wizardry Compiled, The Wizardry Cursed, The Wizardry Consulted and finally The Wizardry Quested.

The first books of the series are available here and here for free.

Cook was in the process of writing the next book of this series, The Wizardry Capitalized, when, in spring 2000, he was interrupted by an emergency heart surgery, and subsequent medication.  In February 2008 he announced that he has decided to present the unfinished work online, which is available here.

The Subjugation Universe by James Galloway

Subjugation, written by James Galloway, features the Faey, an alien elf-like telepathic race, that has taken control of Earth and are using it as a farming colony to supply food for their empire.  Jason is a college student who is learning faey technology, but is upset with the faey and their treatment of Earth.  Along the way, Jason meets a fiery red head name Jyslin, who takes a fancy to him and will not take no for an answer.  There is a problem though.  Jyslin is a Faey Imperial Marine.  And, marines are not easily deterred...

Jason eventually begins his own rebellion against Faey and their oppressive rule over humanity.  After causing enough damage and embarrassment, and thanks to a surprising discovery about Jason's ancestors, he forces the ruling government to treat Earth as an equal member of the Imperium.

There are four books in this series - Subjugation, Insurrection, Unification and Tribulation.  The later installments follow Jason and Jyslin building a life and family together, while navigating through Faey politics, safeguarding Earth and the precarious balance of the Imperium.

You can find the books of the Subjugation Universe here and here for free.